Isaiah 8

Isaiah 8:10, 13 NIV

Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted;
propose your plan, but it will not stand,
for God is with us.

The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy,
he is the one you are to fear,
he is the one you are to dread.

In this chapter God has declared judgment against Israel and Judah. It is coming; it is unavoidable. In light of the coming judgment three thoughts stand out. First, their own strategies and plans will be thwarted. It makes me wonder about the plans of those who stashing away emergency supplies for when this nation collapses. Is it wise to prepare for an emergency? Certainly; but if God decides to bring down a nation no stash of food and water will stop him. No contingency plan will keep God from doing what God has determined to do. That is really what Isaiah was facing. Some people were making plans for their own protection. Others were looking for someone to tell them that nothing bad was going to happen. Isaiah was counseled by God to not resist. Turning the hearts of a few back to their God was far more important that preserving a lifestyle.

Second, Isaiah was warned not to do what everyone else was doing nor to believe what everyone else was believing. He was not to see a conspiracy behind every event. He was to understand that God is God and nothing can change that. God will accomplish his purposes. The coming events really had nothing to do with the political machinations of corrupt politicians. It had nothing to do with the greed, violence or ulterior motives of the Assyrians or of anyone else. Ultimately this was about God working his purpose and keeping his word. It was about a covenant people facing the consequences of their own hypocrisy. Are there sinister forces at work in our own world striving to change the world for their purposes and according to their theology or philosophy of life. Sure. Can they do anything more than God has chosen to allow. No, but I think we sometimes forget that. We love the quote that says something like, the only thing needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Certainly there is truth in that statement, but we must also remember that in the book of Job, even Satan could only go as far as God gave permission.

Finally, conspiracies, threats to our security, forces in opposition to us and/or our way of life, enemies set to destroy us should send us running back to our God. He is holy. Worship him. Don't go looking for some other religious, theological or philisophical approach to life that promises answers. Look to God. Seek him. Worship him. God is our only hope. He is the Holy Place. When we begin to look to teachers that promise answers, emergency systems that guarantee safety, promises of wealth if we'll only send a check to this or that "ministry", or any other system of hope we have turned from our God. He is our only hope no matter what happens in life.

Father, I fear that even as believers we have too often placed our hope in letter writing campaigns, petitions and boycotts to exclusion of trusting you. May we learn what it truly means when Isaiah writes, "The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread."

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
District Superintendent
EFCA Northern Mtn District
