Isaiah 10:33 NIV
See, the Lord, the Lord Almighty,
will lop off the boughs with great power.
The lofty trees will be felled,
the tall ones will be brought low.
Because of Israel's heartless lack of care for the poor, because of their own pride, and because of their looking to Egypt for help rather than listening to the Lord, they will be judged. Assyria will be released against them. Because of their arrogance Assyria will be judged as well.
A remnant of Israel will be preserved. That remnant will eventually become strong again. God will remain true to his covenant with Abraham, and the wicked will not prosper. Historically that is exactly what happened. Assyria fell to Babylon. Israel was preserved and remains to this day. God was true to his word.
The underlying issue here is pride. Pride expresses itself in many ways. It looks down on those less fortunate. It seeks to preserve the benefits of privileged positions even at the cost of hurting others. Pride assumes that past victories assure future success. Pride tries to reason out solutions to problems, often looking for answers in dangerous places. Pride goes before the fall. Pride is resisted by God. Israel and Assyria, as different as they were, had the same problem. Pride led to their downfall. It will do no less in my own life.
Father, I have no hope but in you. I have no wisdom but from you. For insight and understanding I rely on your Spirit. I have no where else to turn. Forgive me for the multiple expressions of pride I see in my own life. Reveal to me those that I do not see.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
District Superintendent
EFCA Northern Mtn District
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