Isaiah 24:5-6 NIV
The earth is defiled by its people;
they have disobeyed the laws,
violated the statutes
and broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
its people must bear their guilt.
Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up,
and very few are left.
God announces judgment against the whole earth in this chapter. Three things stand out to me in this pronouncement. First, the whole earth was affected but the fall and now the whole earth will be affected by the judgment. Everything is connected. What I do in the privacy of my own home affects others because it affects who I am, what I think and how I view others. There are no closed systems.
Second, rich, poor, king or pauper, everyone will feel the pain of God's judgment. The wealthy have no protection against the judgment. The poor will not be overlooked. Class systems disappear when God's judgment falls.
Third, not only people and creation will be judged.
Isaiah 24:21 NIV
In that day the Lord will punish
the powers in the heavens above
and the kings on the earth below.
Satan and his demons do not escape. God holds man accountable for his choices and his sin, but the Tempter, the Destroyer, the Deceiver will be judged as well. There is no escaping God's judgment.
This is not happy news, but it is neccesary news. God is a just God. He will not let sin go on forever. There will be a day of accounting. The good news is that there is, after all, a way to escape the judgment. It has nothing to do with stockpiling resources or keeping a low profile. It has everything to do with embracing by faith the fact that God has already poured out his judgment on his Son in our place. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. That's the good news.
Father, thank you that sin will not always prevail. Thank you that you have offered mercy and grace. I pray that my life will reflect that truth. Today may I walk in your freedom and peace.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
District Superintendent
EFCA Northern Mtn District
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