Isaiah 38

Isaiah 38:15 NIV

But what can I say?
He has spoken to me, and he himself has done this.
I will walk humbly all my years
because of this anguish of my soul.

In this chapter Hezekiah is dying, but in answer to his pleading God extends his life 15 years. Most of the chapter is Hezekiah's response to the news that he will live. In the middle of that response we find the verse listed above. I'm intrigued by his statement, "I will walk humbly all my years." The reality is that didn't happen. Hezekiah's last 15 years were not as spotless as his first years.

Why is it that we feel like some great event will change our lives? Hezekiah's words lie heavy on my ears. It brings to mind all those camp promises to God, all those youth rally commitments, those revival promises that have been broken through the years. Certainly there are appropriate times for commitments to be made, for a new direction in life to be chosen, for faith to be embraced. But the thing that changes lives are not the experiences. They just give us the opportunities for a change of course or for course corrections. The things that change lives are those moment by moment, day by day decisions to do the right thing, embrace truth, walk in light and follow in humble obedience.

I'm sure that Hezekiah was sincere in his belief that because of God healing him, he would walk humbly all his years. Father, I confess that I have often relied on the passing emotion of an experience to carry me forward in faithfulness. I recognize that emotion fades and experience, as great as it is, is not enough. Today may I walk humbly and faithfully by your grace. May I never forget how dependent on you I am.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
