Isaiah 54:3, 5, 15 NIV
For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
your descendants will dispossess nations
and settle in their desolate cities.
For your Maker is your husband—
the Lord Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.
If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
whoever attacks you will surrender to you.
Three thoughts occur to me as I read through this passage. First is the promise that Israel will "spread out." As the people of God, she will grow. Jesus said a similar thing about the church.
Matthew 16:18b NIV
"I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
I think that we sometimes read that verse as, "I will gather my church and the armies of Hades will not overcome it's gates." We have begun to think of the church as the wagon train circling it's wagons in the fear of attack, hoping that the cavalry comes soon. But the church is the cavalry. We have the weapons of warfare described in Ephesians 6 as the "full armor of God." That armor contains the offensive weapons of the Word of God and prayer. The church will grow. The church will expand. The church will storm the gates of Hell and rescue many.
The second thought in Isaiah 54 is foundational to the fulfillment of the first. God is "God of all the earth." That is a revolutionary thought. The gods of the nations were considered territorial. There was a god or gods of Babylon, of Assyria and of Egypt. Israel's god was considered powerful in Israel. When one nation would attack another the winner would consider their god superior to the local god they conquered. But God is not a territorial god. He is God of all the earth. No matter where his people would go into captivity he would be there. No matter how impressive their enemies, God is bigger. He is God of all the earth and there will be a day when all the earth will recognize that truth.
Third, not all attacks come from God. He says in verse 15, "If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you." Israel had not been walking according to the covenant. As a result, God had been disciplining them. They needed to understand, however, that when god restores them he would not discipline them like this again, and that any attack against them will be unsuccessful. Revelation 20 describes it this way:
Revelation 20:9 NIV
They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.
Not every bad thing that happens to God's people is a discipline from him. We are in his hands, and under his protection. We can rest in that assurance because he is the God of the whole earth, and he will build his church.
Father, thank you for that assurance. Forgive me for the times I have allowed fear and unbelief to rule in my heart. Today may I rest in your unfailing love and purpose.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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