Ezekiel 11:15, 19 ESV
"Son of man, your brothers, even your brothers, your kinsmen, the whole house of Israel, all of them, are those of whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, 'Go far from the Lord; to us this land is given for a possession.'
And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
In this chapter we find leaders, "princes of the people," involved in false worship. In response God promises two things. First, he promises that his people will be judged for their wickedness. Second, he promises that he has not abandoned his people, but will restore them and give them a new heart and a new spirit. This tells us something about the character of God. He is just, but he is also merciful. He will not allow us to get away with sin, but he also offers the solution to our sin. That is the essence of the gospel. In Romans we are told that he is both just and justifier.
For me, as I read this chapter, the question that haunts me is: What kind of leader have I been? We are all leaders in some context. Whether we are leading a ministry, leading a Sunday School class, leading our family, or just being an influence in the life of a friend, acquaintance, or child. We are all leaders in some role, and we will answer to God for how our lives have influenced those we have been given the privilege of leading.
Father, that's scary business. I don't want to be like the leaders in Ezekiel 11 that are involved in that which dishonours you. I want my life always to point people toward you, not away from you. Today may that be true of me.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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