Ezekiel 19:12, 14 ESV
But the vine was plucked up in fury,
cast down to the ground;
the east wind dried up its fruit;
they were stripped off and withered.
As for its strong stem,
fire consumed it.
And fire has gone out from the stem of its shoots,
has consumed its fruit,
so that there remains in it no strong stem,
no scepter for ruling.
This is a lamentation and has become a lamentation.
Ezekiel 19 is a lament over the fallen condition of God's people. I understand anger and judgment against those who claim to be God's people but live otherwise. It's easy to claim "righteous indignation" and rejoice over the fall of those we believe should be judged, especially if they show no remorse over their sin. It is another thing entirely to grieve over them. This is the heart of God, however. He takes no pleasure in the fall, pain and judgment of anyone. How would it change us if we grieved over the sin of others rather than claiming righteous indignation against those who ought to "get what's coming to them?"
Father, I confess that it is sometimes easier to pray for your judgment to come against someone than it is to pray for those being judged. Today may your heart and your love for sinners grip my soul.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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