Ezekiel 25:11 ESV
and I will execute judgments upon Moab. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
In the previous chapter Ezekiel illustrated and described God's judgment against Jerusalem. Now, in chapter 25, the message of judgment is spoken against her enemies. Ammon, Moab, Seir, Edom, and Philistia will all experience judgment. Three truths stand out to me in this chapter. First, Israel, God's chosen people, will be judged because of her sin. It would be easy for them, as it is for us, to look at the nations or the people around them and say, "What about them?" People are really good at deflecting attention by calling someone or something else to mind. That does not work with God. His response is simply, "You'll face your judgment and they'll face theirs." We can never justify or excuse our sin because someone else is worse, or someone else is making fun of us, or someone else is to blame.
The second truth is that God will judge these nations because of their attitudes toward Israel. God has not made any particular promises to these nations, nor entered into covenant with them like he did with Israel. Yet, God is God of all creation, all peoples. He is King of kings, Lord of lords, God of gods. Because of that, all nations ultimately answer to him. Because of his special relationship with Israel, he is especially concerned when the actions of others affect his people. That is still true today. "Judgement is mine. I will repay." says the Lord. We don't need to seek revenge because God will take care of it.
The final truth that stands out in this chapter is that God is not concerned only for his chosen people. One of the reasons that he will judge these nations is so that "they will know that I am the Lord." We sometimes forget that the great commission of taking the "good news" to the ends of the earth was not a new concept in Jesus' day. That was God's plan from the beginning. Thus his words to Abram, "Through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed." Relationship with God is not something to hide and cherish. It is something to share with the world.
Father, thank you that whatever happens in my life I am assured that you are working through me to bring glory to your name. Through me may the world know that you are the Lord.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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