Ezekiel 26:17 ESV
And they will raise a lamentation over you and say to you,
"'How you have perished,
you who were inhabited from the seas,
O city renowned,
who was mighty on the sea;
she and her inhabitants imposed their terror
on all her inhabitants!
This is a lamentation over Tyre. Tyre was a beautiful and secure coastal city. They not only had strong walls with their back to the sea, they also had a backup plan. Part of Tyre was located on an island. If the main city fell they would retreat to the island where they could easily defend themselves. But when God declares judgment and destruction man's plans for survival and protection never stand. As described in this chapter, the main city was breached and destroyed. It was then torn down and thrown into the sea to build a causeway to the island. Proud, mighty, secure Tyre fell.
Pride often enables us to live in a world of unreality where we believe we are great; we believe we are secure; we believe that we cannot fail. It is at that point that often the fall comes. When it comes it is often a great fall. Proverbs says it like this:
Proverbs 16:18 ESV
Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Father, forgive me for my own pride. Thank you for the assurance of security in you. I know that my own futile plans for security will fail, but you never fail. I rest in you.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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