Ezekiel 38

Ezk 38:2 "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him" (ESV)

This chapter records a prophecy of a future war against Israel. Hordes of armed soldiers will attack, but God has other plans. He is against this army. He will supernaturally intervene. This chapter is about real armies, real war and a real earthquake, but it is also a reminder of a larger truth. God is bigger than the most intimidating circumstances and enemies.

We face conflict, difficulty and insurmountable odds every day. Some days the difficulties seem hard, but doable. Other days, they are way beyond us. They are called insurmountable for a reason. We can see no way out, no deliverance and no relief. But God...

In my experience God rarely works the same way twice, but he is always faithful. We have faced unmanageable debt or expenses several times throughout our lives. One time the debt was forgiven. One time God somehow enabled us to faithfully make small payments until it was whittled away. One time God motivated someone to give us a large gift. Another time he provided additional income from a side job that we did not expect. He rarely works the same way twice, but he is always faithful.

Whatever we are facing, even if we are feeling like the peaceful, unwalled cities being attacked by hordes of angry soldiers, as described in this chapter, we can trust that God is faithful. He is bigger than any threat or obstacle we face. We may not know what his solution will be. We do not want to presume upon him to bring the solution we have decided is best. But, we can trust him.

Father , forgive me for the many times I live in the fretting uncertainty of unbelief. Today may I walk in faith trusting that you are bigger then my problems.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
