Ezekiel 41

Ezk 41:25 And on the doors of the nave were carved cherubim and palm trees, such as were carved on the walls. And there was a canopy of wood in front of the vestibule outside.

These chapters describe the new temple that will be built. Throughout this description several times cherubim and palm trees are mentioned. Why cherubim and palm trees?

Cherubim are the angels that attend the throne of God. Ezekiel saw them earlier in his visions. They were described as four faced, winged beings above which rode the throne of God. In the wilderness tabernacle two cherubim were designed for the mercy seat, the golden cover of the Ark of the Covenant, Additionally in Solomon's temple two large carved cherubim stretched their wings from wall to wall over the Ark in the holiest place. Cherubim then speak of heavenly things. They attend the very presence of God.

Palm trees are related to earthly things. Date palms feed the people and sweeten their lives. Palms indicate an oasis in the desert. They have to do with earth. So why are there palm trees in the temple? Cherubim we might expect. The temple is the place to meet the God of heaven. But why palm trees?

I think the significant thing about the temple is that it is the place where heaven and earth intersect. Earth is not bad. It was designed for us, and we were designed to care for it. What is bad about earth is that we failed to do our job. Rather than care for earth, we turned it upside down with our sin. Reconnecting earth to heaven is the role and purpose of the temple. In the New Testament that role transfers to the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, the God/man is the one in whom heaven and earth intersect. In the Old Testament Jacob saw a stairway to Heaven with angels ascending and descending upon it. Jesus said to Philip, "You will see angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man." (John 1:51) He was saying that he is now the connection between heaven and earth.

Do you need to connect with God? Don't seek "spiritual" experiences. Look to Jesus. Don't search for holy places . Look to Jesus. Don't pursue "holy" men, teachers with great charisma, or leaders who make empty promises. Look to Jesus. He is the connection between heaven and earth. In him we encounter God.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
