Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? (ESV)
There are angels. In this chapter they are called winds, a flame of fire, and ministering spirits. Were we to see an angel we would likely be inclined to worship as the Old Testament prophets who fell on their faces when an angel appeared to them. But the angels' response was always to lift them up and point them to God. Angels are not to be worshiped.
The truth of this first chapter of Hebrews is that there is one who is worthy of our worship. He is higher than the angels. He is creator and sustainer of all that exists. He is the Son who laid aside his glory for a period of time to come to this earth as a man. His glory has now been restored.
Were we to see an angel we might be tempted to worship. Were we to see the Son in all his glory we would fall on our faces as a dead man. The apostle John, who had been so familiar with Jesus when he was here on this earth, fell at his feet in fear when he saw Jesus in the first chapter of Revelation. Jesus is higher than the angels.
Even this chapter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is insufficient to truly express the greatness and glory of the Son. I'm not sure that it is possible to express that truth in language. Some things are so big, so incredible that they can only been seen and experienced, not really expressed in words.
That brings us to worship. We to often think about worship as something we experience, but that's not really true. The down side to that way of thinking is that worship becomes man-centered instead of God-centered. It becomes about the music instead of about the God of whom and to whom we are singing. True worship comes as we bow the knee before Him and simply acknowledge his greatness. I fear that what we most often call worship is something far less. I suspect that we have a great deal to learn about truly worshiping our God.
Father, just reading the description of your Son in this first chapter of Hebrews is amazing. Teach me to worship.
Heb 1:10-12
And, " You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning,
and the heavens are the work of your hands;
they will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment,
like a robe you will roll them up,
like a garment they will be changed.
But you are the same,
and your years will have no end."
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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