2Th 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. (ESV)
Lawlessness and unrighteousness coupled with deception are the rule of the day. We have an enemy and he is bent on twisting all creation to his own ends. I spent some time yesterday reading a web site dedicated to belittling the idea the existence of God. Most of those writing did not believe in God or Satan, but according to their reading of scripture if God and Satan existed then Satan was more moral than God. They held absolute intolerance for what they considered intolerance. If God said that something was an abomination or a sin, that was considered evidence that God was an intolerable tyrant. Lawlessness and unrighteousness are the rule of the day.
So how do we respond and how do we live in a world ordered by lawlessness and unrighteousness? 2 Thessalonians gives us several appropriate responses. First, don't be surprised, shaken or alarmed. It seems that our first response to increasing evil is often panic and fear. We need to remember that no matter what happens, God never stops being God. He never loses control. He is simply allowing evil to reaching its logical conclusion.
Second, don't be deceived. When we hear a lie enough times it begins to sound like truth. When the world says, "The God of the Bible is an intolerant tyrant and here is the evidence..." eventually people are tempted to believe it. But a lie spoken with conviction as truth is still a lie.
Thirdly, we ought to give thanks for those who believe, and stand firm in the truth. That doesn't mean that we stand on a street corner with signs reading, "God hates ..." You can fill in the blank with whatever sin is particularly onerous to you. That is not what we mean by standing firm in the truth. The ethos of this little letter we call 2 Thessalonians seems to be love and truth. God calls us to rejoice in those who believe. He calls us to live lives characterized but grace and truth. He calls us to live in holiness despite the world's view. That is what he means by standing firm.
In our world it would be easy to lose hope. It would be easy to listen to lies. It would be really easy to begin to believe those lies. It seems that every news outlet, every television show, every movie and every political debate is framed in lies. But God says, "Don't lose hope."
2Th 2:16-17 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. (ESV)
Father, forgive me for the unbelief that too often moves me toward despair and fear. Thank you that you are truly in control and are working your purposes. May Paul's prayer in 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 be a reality in my life today.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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