2Th 1:3 We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. (ESV)
In this verse the Apostle Paul voices an obligation to be giving thanks for the Thessalonian believers. Toward the end of the chapter he says that "we always pray for you." The brothers in Thessalonica were evidently experiencing persecution and affliction because of their faith. Paul has problems of his own but he is here thanking God for and praying for these brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is so easy to become clouded by our own pain, overwhelmed and distracted by our own issues and conflicts, and jaded by our own difficulties. When that happens we forget two things. First, we forget the good things God is doing around us. Have you ever seen someone so distracted by a little smudge on their glasses that they never see the beautiful scenery around them? We can become like that, missing the glory of what God is doing in people around us because we are so distracted by our own discomfort.
Second, we forget the pain of others around us. Too often I have found myself complaining to someone only to discover that their problems made mine look like a cake-walk. We can easily become so overwhelmed with our issues that we forget or neglect to lift up our fellow-believers before God's throne of grace.
Father, forgive me for my self-focused insensitivity. Today I ask that you would turn my heart and my thoughts to the needs of others. With Paul may I recognize my obligation to give thanks for the good things you are doing in the lives of others and may I pray earnestly for those who are hurting.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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