Ezra 1:2

Eza 1:2 "Thus says Cyrus king of Persia:The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. (ESV)

This is actually a pretty incredible verse. That a pagan king should acknowledge Jehovah, the God of heaven, as the source his kingdom rule is quite amazing. That he would then recognize and act on a charge from God to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem is almost unbelievable. Who would have thought that God would use a Persian king to accomplish his purposes? Except, God had already prophesied, through Isaiah (see Isaiah 44:28; 45:1), that this is what Cyrus would do.

God sees the end from the beginning. God is not bound by time, as we are. God is sovereign, not just over the righteous, but over all. He used a hard hearted Pharaoh to do his bidding in Egypt. He used Herod and Pilate and hard headed Pharisees to accomplish his purposes in the gospels. Even Satan's demise will bring him glory in the end. God is not bound by resources we can see. He is not limited to working within the borders and boundaries that seem impenetrable to us. He is sovereign Lord.

As such, when people seem unreachable, when circumstances seem impossible, when our grip is slipping we know that he has only begun to hold on. He has the answers all lined out ready and waiting. He is not there as a celestial butler waiting to make our life better. He is sovereign Lord working in and through us a cosmic purpose that is greater, higher and more grand than anything we can imagine. He can be trusted.

Father, I confess that I sometimes give up hope. I am often overwhelmed by the needs around me, or by my own pain. Forgive me for my unbelief. I do not have the ability to see the future, but I trust you because you hold the future in your hands. Thank you.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
