Phm 1:15 For this perhaps is why he was parted from you for a while, that you might have him back forever, (ESV)
Sometimes bad things happen for good reasons. A nurse sticks a huge needle in you. That's not fun, but there are good reasons for it and you are grateful when you begin to feel better. Truth is spoken that is not easy to hear or accept, but you are eventually grateful when it facilitates healing in your life.
Apparently Onesimus had run away from his master, Philemon, and had likely stolen some money or goods in the process. Having traveled to Rome, somehow Onesimus got connected with the Apostle Paul who was imprisoned there. There Onesimus came to faith in Christ and became a brother.
Wrong has occurred. Paul doesn't ask that it be overlooked. What he does ask, however, is that Philemon see the good that is coming out of the bad. "For this perhaps is why he was parted from you for a while, that you might have him back forever," no longer as a slave, but as a brother in Christ, as a fellow worker for the Kingdom and the gospel.
Sometimes bad things happen for good reasons. We cannot always see the good that will come. When Onesimus ran away Philemon could not see how the story would play out. He had no expectation that Onesimus would wind up in the same city, let alone in an encounter with, Paul. He had no way of knowing that Onesimus would hear the gospel, and humbly return home a new man.
In the midst of the mess and the mud of sin and broken relationships we are often blinded by our emotions and the circumstances that whirl around us. We cannot see what God will do. Often he works in ways we could never predict. The good news is that we can trust him when we are in the dark.
Father, I confess that when I am in the middle of the pain it is often more real to me then you are. Thank you that you are still in the process of working things out for my good and your glory in spite of me. In the midst of the dark night may I be reminded of your light and may I trust you.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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