Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. (ESV)
This verse fascinates me because I think we so often get it wrong. "Solid food is for the mature." What does that mean? Clearly he is asking people to move beyond the simple truths of the gospel. Not that we ever leave the foundation of the gospel, but the very next verse says, "Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God." I think that sometimes when we read Hebrews 5:14 the words "sold food" catch our eye and we begin to think, "difficult theology." So in churches with a heavy focus on Bible teaching we begin to reason that what God is requiring of us is a better understanding of all the "ologies": ecclesiology, eschatology, pneumatology, christology, etc., etc., etc.
I don't think that is what Hebrews is really getting at. Theology is good and necessary, but that's not the point here. This verse goes on to say that the contrast to milk, the definition of solid food, is the ability to discern good from evil. That comes, according to this verse, through the exercise of doing it. Now isn't that interesting! Satan promised Eve in the Garden that if she would eat of the fruit then she would have the ability to know good and evil. In Genesis the word "know" means to know by experience. God does not want us to "know" good and evil. He wants us to discern good from evil.
Maturity in the Christian faith is the ability to discern good from evil. That necessitates that we move beyond the gospel to holy living. That necessitates that we actually exercise discernment rather than just constantly claim forgiveness. Spiritual discernment comes from knowing the mind of God, listening to the Spirit of God, and actively and intentionally evaluating life as we live it. That all takes practice.
Father, today may I be intentional about knowing your mind through thinking on your Word, listening to your Spirit as he guides, and intentionally evaluating life as I live it. May I move from milk to solid food.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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