Hebrews 5

Heb 5:7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. (ESV)

This verse says that Jesus prayers for deliverance to his Father, who could save him from death, were heard.  I have a feeling that Mary, watching him die on the cross, didn't think his prayers were heard. I have a feeling that Judas and Peter didn't think Jesus prayer for deliverance was heard. I have a feeling that the women slowly making their way to his grave that Sunday morning didn't think his prayer had been answered. But they were all wrong. Jesus prayers had been heard. He was delivered from death. He just had to go through it first.

Now we have a High Priest who understands our weaknesses and who has conquered death. Sometimes prayers are not answered the way we expect in the time frame we expect because God has something better in mind. From the earthly perspective it doesn't always make sense, but from the eternal perspective we will one day see the rich tapestry God has been weaving.

Had Mary, Peter and the others been told, that Friday night or the following Sabbath, that God had answered Jesus prayer they would not have believed it. Sometimes in the midst of the pain is not the best time to hear, "It is all for the best." We need to be reminded that we are in God's hands and that he loves us, but sometimes we need to wait for a little light in our lives before we are ready to hear that God has a better plan than what we thought should be done.

I find it significant that Jesus warned his disciples ahead of time that he was going to die. He explained to them afterwards why he needed to die. But, he did not send messengers to chastise them for their lack of faith when he was lying in the grave. Sometimes we need a little darkness in our lives to truly appreciate the light.

Father, I confess that there are many times when I wish you had answered prayers more quickly, or with a different outcome, but thank you that you know best. Be gracious to me in my times of doubt, and by your grace may I walk by faith in the darkest times of life. You know best.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
