Heb 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second. (ESV)
This verse raises the difficult question of why God gave the first covenant in the first place if it was faulty. Why didn't he just go straight to the New Covenant? Galatians and other passages address that question with the simple truth that the Old Covenant was given to lead us to Christ. Before we are ready to embrace an answer to a problem we must first be aware of the problem. The Old Covenant clearly demonstrates that our problem is one of the heart, therefore the New Covenant solves the problem of the heart.
But the force of this chapter is not the why of the Old Covenant, it is the contrast between the two covenants. That is, in fact, the force of this whole letter we call Hebrews. The Old Covenant had an inferior priesthood and an inferior sacrificial system. It couldn't change anyone's heart. It required the worshipper to come back again and again with more sacrifices. It was a copy. In Christ we find the real thing with an eternal and sinless High Priest who offers a once for all sacrifice and it is done. Hearts are changed; eternal destiny is settled and access to God is provided in a way the Old Covenant could only hint at.
Under the New Covenant we live by faith, not law. Under the New Covenant we live in love, not fear. Under the New Covenant we have rest, not burden. Under the New covenant we have open access to God, not veiled access through another human. Under the New Covenant we have assurance, not uncertainty. Under the New Covenant we have the real thing, not a shadow.
Why is it then that, having been saved under the New Covenant, we so quickly revert back to law? Father forgive us. Today may we walk in the rest and assurance of the New Covenant. May we boldly approach your throne, as you said we can do, and find help in our times of need. May we walk confidently, but never arrogantly, in the light of your grace.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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