Eza 4:21 Therefore make a decree that these men be made to cease, and that this city be not rebuilt, until a decree is made by me. (ESV)
We serve a sovereign God who holds all things in his hands and is in control even when things seem the most out of control. This decree in Ezra 4 to stop the building is made by the very same king that will authorize and equip Nehemiah to rebuild the city in Nehemiah 1. In fact, some speculate that it was this very decree that caused word to come back to Nehemiah about the city's destruction resulting in his trip to rebuild.
It is interesting to me that the king did not say, "Stop the work." He said, "Stop the work until you hear something different from me." The enemies of Israel were excited because they thought they had gotten their way. Israel was discouraged. They likely felt as though all their efforts up to that point had been wasted. The truth is that the stage was being set to finish the work with the blessing, protection and provisions of the king. He just didn't know it yet.
God is a chess player who knows his opponents moves before his opponent does and who knew the outcome of the game before it even began. When life is at its most chaotic God is in control. He has a purpose higher than we can grasp, but we can trust him. He has a strategy that is often hidden from our eyes, but we can trust him. He has a plan that we can only vaguely comprehend, but we can trust him. As the contemporary hymn God is in Control, by Twila Paris, says:
This is no time for fear
This is a time for faith and determination
Don't lose the vision here carried away by emotion
Hold on to all that you hide in your heart
For there is one thing that has always been true
It holds the world together
God is in control
Father, thank you that I can trust you to be in control when everything seems most out of control. I rest in your gracious sovereignty.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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