Ezra 4

Eza 4:24 Then the work on the house of God that is in Jerusalem stopped, and it ceased until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia. (ESV)

These may be the saddest words in the whole book of Ezra. They had just celebrated the laying of the foundation and now the work is stopped. The people of God have an enemy. He is a liar, a deceiver and a destroyer. How often a great victory has been followed by a dark time. It is an attempt by the deceiver to convince us that the work of the Lord is not doable. He wants us to give up.

Charles Spurgeon, the great 19th Century Baptist preacher in England, struggled with depression throughout his ministry. He came to see depression as a sign either that God was just about to do something great or that God had just done some great work. The enemy wants the dark times to discourage us. Spurgeon turned the tables on him and recognized the attack as a sign of God's sovereign greatness. Unlike Spurgeon, we too often listen to the lie instead of rejecting the lie and recognizing the truth.

In Israel the work stopped by authoritative decree, but God was not dead. God was not limited by the lies and attacks of the enemy. God was not shackled by the authority of man. God had preserved and prospered his people in a foreign land. God had prompted the king to authorize this trip back to Jerusalem. God had providentially provided for the supplies to rebuild. God was not done yet. When we neglect to set our eyes on the truth we get easily discouraged by a lie.

Father, forgive me for so quickly believing the lies of the enemy. Thank you God for your faithful sovereignty. Today I choose to walk by faith.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
