Ezra 6

Eza 6:22 And they kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with joy, for the Lord had made them joyful and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, so that he aided them in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel. (ESV)

God has a way of turning dark into light, ashes into beauty and hopeless situations into experiences of joy. When the people of God listened to the Word of God, diligently pursued the work of God and humbly acknowledged the grace of God they found themselves experiencing the protection and provision of God to accomplish the purpose of God. I think there is a principle for life in there somewhere.

We are not talking about manipulating God to give us what we want. Nor are we talking about some kind of "spiritual law" by which God obligates himself to make us healthy and wealthy. But, when God calls his people to a task and his people diligently and humbly pursue that task in dependence and faith God's eye is on them, to use the language of the chapter 4.

Notice that the task they are pursuing, (i.e. rebuilding the temple of God) was a task prompted by God, consistent with God's previous revelation, (i.e. the Mosaic Covenant) and motivated by the proclamation of God's prophets. This was not some priests idea of a good project. This was prompted by God. What was prompted by God was protected by God and provided for by God.

Father, may I listen well to you today. May I follow you closely. May I humbly and diligently pursue your purposes and not my own.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
