Hebrews 9

Heb 9:12 he entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption. (ESV)

I'm beginning to think that this verse may be the Key Verse for the whole letter to the Hebrews. Jesus is superior to the angels, to Moses, to the law, and to the blood of bulls and goats thus securing an eternal redemption. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption thus providing a lasting rest. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore let's not try to keep relaying the foundation that has already been laid. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore it should not be ignored, rejected or trampled on. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore we have access to a holy and unapproachable God. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore we have a sure and secure eternal hope.  Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore we do not go on deliberately sinning. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore we live by faith. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore we do not grow weary, knowing that he is not only the founder but also the perfecter of our faith. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore we are members of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Jesus blood secured an eternal redemption therefore the sacrifices we now offer are sacrifices of service to others. The eternal salvation secured by Jesus blood changes everything.

For us this may be, "Yeah [yawn], we learned that in Sunday School." But for those first century Hebrew believers this was revolutionary. And just maybe, if we take the time to reflect on this truth, it will be revolutionary to us as well. This truth means that I do not have a license to sin just because I can confess it when I'm done. It also means that I do not live in fear that one bad thought, one unconfessed sin, one wrong attitude or action will separate me from God and his grace. This truth walks the middle ground between law and license leaving me with the assurance and freedom of faith and rest. It changes everything. Jesus "once for all (entered) into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood." By doing that he secured for us "an eternal redemption." Every word of that verse is important. That, I think, is the heart and soul of Hebrews and it makes me want to shout for joy.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
