Bob Vincent

Heb 13:7
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.

Approximately 2am Sunday morning Bob Vincent quietly slipped from this life into the presence of God. When Hebrews says to consider the "outcome of their way of life" it is talking about how they died. How they lived led to how they died. In the case of the Hebrew leaders it is likely that their lives where characterized by a faithfulness that led to an early death at the hands of oppressors. In the case of Bob it was a faithful life that led to a quiet and peaceful transition from one life to another.

He told me, "God has placed in us the will to live." Bob loved people. He loved a good joke. He loved life. But his love for life was not limited to this life. He wanted to go home, but he was ready to go "Home." He taught Sunday School up until the last weeks of his life. His teaching impacted generations of young people, many of whom are now old people. He was quick to lend a hand, always ready to give to a friend, never concerned about getting paid back. He was faithfully at church early every Sunday to join the pastor and a couple other men to pray for the church, the community and our missionaries. Even in his last days visitors would ask to pray with him and he would say, "I'll start and then you close." Then he would pray. His life reflected the faith he taught. His death did as well.

As his pastor I am grateful for his faith, his faithfulness, his commitment to prayer and his heart of service. As his nephew I am grateful for the years of knowing him, the smiles he brought to my life and the example of faith he left behind. He exemplified Paul's words, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Father, may I be found as faithful.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
