Ezra 8 - part 3

Eza 8:34 The whole was counted and weighed, and the weight of everything was recorded. (ESV)

I recently had a conversation with a property manager. They told me that when they rent a house they do a walk through once a month to make sure that the house is being properly taken care of. How do they keep the renter from feeling like they are being spied on? They make sure that the renter understands that they are also looking for anything that might need fixed or repaired. Accountability is a two way street. When Ezra set up a system of accountability for those carrying the gold, silver and bronze to Jerusalem, he was not saying that he did not trust them. He was guarding them against both false accusations and temptation.

Too often when a church asla us to be accountable in some way we are offended. We assume that they do not trust us. But churches and church leaders understand two things: 1. They understand that all people are subject to temptation and so systems of accountability protect us in that area. 2. They understand how people with responsibilities are subject to false accusations. Systems of accountability protect us in both of these areas. Carefully established systems of accountability both in the areas of money and morality are wise, not divisive.

Too often fragile egos has caused people to misunderstand this truth. Too often systems intended to protect have been misunderstood as mistrust. Too often a lack of systems of accountability have harmed the name of Christ and the church in this world. Church leaders have slid into misappropriation of funds and other grievous sins because of a lack of accountability. Ministries have been destroyed because of false accusations. For the sake of those who serve, those who are served, and the Lord God whom we serve established systems of accountability are clearly wise and biblical.

Father, thank you for this example of accountability that Ezra set for us. For the sake of your name may we be as wise.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
