Ezra 8

Ezra 8:15 I gathered them to the river that runs to Ahava, and there we camped three days. As I reviewed the people and the priests, I found there none of the sons of Levi. (ESV)

I find it interesting that no Levites had answered the call. The Levites should have been leaders in this expedition. They were the ones set apart to care for the temple and everything connected with the temple. This expedition was all about the temple and worship in the temple. Where were the Levites?

As a church leader I sometimes wonder whether I'm not the biggest hindrance to ministry. Church leaders feel responsible, but in that responsibility they sometimes put the brakes on ministry that is burning in the hearts of those they are leading. Sometimes that needs to happen when passion is not joined with wisdom and discretion, but more often I fear that it is a matter of church leaders wanting to control, or not listening well to the Lord themselves, or fear, or ...

I wonder how many times as a church leader/pastor I have quenched the Spirit by dragging my feet or by a lack of passion. I expect that when I stand before God he will not be all that impressed with my sermons. But, will he be pleased with my leadership or will he want to know why I didn't show up when he had placed a vision and passion for ministry in the hearts of his people? Leadership, whether in a home and family or in a church and ministry is not about being the commander and chief. It is more often about recognizing God's call on individuals and equipping and releasing then to run after it. Leadership is about service, not ego, control, power or personal comfort.

None of the Levites originally responded to the call. Thankfully, when they were challenged they responded positively. The lack of their presence could have seriously affected the effectiveness of the mission. Father, forgive me for the times I haven't shown up when you called. May I never be a hindrance to what you are doing in the lives of those around me.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
