Colossians 3 - part 3

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (ESV)

Giving thanks is clearly connected, in verse 15, with the peace of Christ. In verse 16 it is directly connected to the word of Christ. What does it mean for the word of Christ to dwell in us richly? For me, I know what it looks like when his word is not dwelling in me richly. I read words but my mind is elsewhere. I study text but I promptly forget it. I quote scripture but the thoughts on the forefront of my thinking are disconnected from the word. To dwell richly means to inhabit copiously.

When the word of Christ fills my thinking affecting every area of thought it results in three things in this passage. First, we begin teaching and gently correcting one another. The Bible talks about the need for older people to be teaching the younger, but one pastor talks about reverse mentoring, i.e. the need for young people to help older people understand their world. Biblically we need both. Teaching is not a one way, top down thing. It is more like cross pollination where wisdom rather than pollen is being carried back and forth between us as we each learn, grow and let the word of Christ dwell in us richly.

Wisdom comes from experience filtered through the word of God. Studying the scriptures without experiencing life leads to a simplistic and often legalistic understanding of God's word. Experience without the filter of God's word can often lead to unbiblical and even sinful habits, attitudes and actions. Experience filtered through God's word leads to wisdom. Wisdom shared between believers helps all of us grow. When the word of Christ fills my thinking affecting every area of thought it results in teaching and gently correcting one another.

Secondly, when the word of Christ fills my thinking affecting every area of thought it results in singing. Not all of us are musicians, but music affects us all. We may not all sing on key, but we all sing on key in our heads. Music, songs, advertising ditties, songs on the radio are going through our minds often. When the word of Christ fills my thinking affecting every area of thought it results in songs running in my head that honor God and set my thoughts on heavenly things.

Finally, when the word of Christ fills my thinking affecting every area of thought it results in giving thanks. Thanksgiving reorients my mind, but it is also true that reorienting my mind through the word of God leads to thanksgiving. Reading and meditating on God's word is not just another discipline we add to a list of spiritual disciplines we need to do in order to make God happy. Rather, it is a lifeline that is foundational to growing in Christ and reflecting him to our world. It results in teaching and gently correcting, singing and worship, and a heart of gratitude.

Father, forgive me for too often doing my duty in reading your word rather than letting it dwell in me richly. Teach me what that means.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
