Eza 9:10 "And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? For we have forsaken your commandments, (ESV)
Sin is not a popular subject. I would rather talk about our freedom from sin in Christ than to talk about sin. But sin is real. It is dangerous. It is seductive and addictive. Sin is slavery.
Israel was under a covenant of works with God. If they kept his commands then he promised to guard and bless them. If they broke his commands then he promised to judge them. Israel had been judged for her sin and here she was right back committing the very same sin all over again.
We need to ask the question: Why was breaking a few commands such a serious offense? If God's commands were simply arbitrary rules put together by God to keep people in line and make sure they know who is boss, then all of this cursing and judging because of a few broken rules seems a bit overdone. Some might respond, "But, he is the boss. God of the ultimate ruler so any sin is rebellion against the ultimate ruler." There is truth to that statement, but it doesn't explain why these rules are anything more than arbitrary. Someone else might respond, "Well, if you only understood how great and awesome and powerful God he is then you would understand why obedience is important." There is truth there also, but it still doesn't explain why breaking an arbitrary rule is such a big deal unless God just likes to throw his weight around.
A better answer, I think, is that God is a righteous, holy creator. We were designed to enjoy and reflect his glory. Sin destroys that. We were designed to be in close fellowship with a holy God who cannot allow anything that distorts his design or his nature and character to continue in his presence. Sin is ultimately defined as that which is contrary to God's design and inconsistent with his nature and character. Romans 3:23 defines sin as falling short of the glory of God. Sin is not about breaking arbitrary rules then. It is about messing up the glory of God we were designed to emulate and reflect. Sin, then, is a big deal.
Father, today may I reflect your glory to my wife, my friends and my world. May my heart be tender to your Holy Spirit's convicting, prompting and leading.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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