Colossians 1:28 (ESV). Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. [29] For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
Three thoughts stand out to me as I read through these two verses. First, it is Christ that is being proclaimed. He must be the center of all that we do as believers. Do you have some good ideas about childrearing? Good, but is Christ the center or simply something tacked on to make the teaching sound biblical? Do you have ideas about marriage, finances, work ethics, etc.? Good, but is Christ the center or simply something tacked on to make the teaching sound biblical? Jesus Christ is everything. He is our strength. He is our wisdom. He is our purpose and goal. It must be Christ that we continually proclaim.
Second, notice that the author says that he toils and struggles on behalf of those he is teaching, but his struggle is not in his own power. It is in the power of Christ. Verse 29 is clear. "For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." Our toiling and struggling on behalf of others will have little eternal impact if it is struggling from our energy. My energy is very limited. I have no strength, power or ability to change lives, influence people for Christ or guide them through difficult times. Jesus does. Any ministry I do must be in his power, not in my own.
Finally, this proclaiming, warning, teaching and struggling is for the benefit of others. The Apostle doesn't minister so that people will think, "There goes a godly man." He doesn't minister so that he can personally enjoy hanging out with people that were trained by him. He doesn't minister because it makes him feel good, because it strokes his ego, because it makes him feel like he is doing something significant, or for any other personal reason. He ministers for their sake and God's glory, "that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
As believers in Jesus we are each called to ministry. We need to make sure that any ministry we do is centered on Christ, carried out in his power and done for the good of those we serve and the glory of Christ our Lord.
Father, too quickly and too easily I forget this and it all becomes about me. Forgive me. Today may my eyes be fixed on you, may my energy be drawn from you and may my focus be others instead of myself.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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