Colossians 1:23b (ESV)
[23b] … the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.
As Christians we often talk about the gospel as a personal relationship with Christ. That is true, but it is more than that. This whole passage of Colossians 1 is written in the context of creation. Jesus, who is the image of the invisible God, created all that exists. Adam and Eve were made in the image of God. That image was twisted and broken when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Jesus, the image of God, came to reconcile all things to himself. The gospel "has been proclaimed in all creation" (or to every creature). Verse 20 tells us that his blood makes peace, reconciling "all things" to himself. In other words, the good news related to Jesus death is not just about people. It is about all creation. His death makes it possible to not only restore the image of God to a broken humanity, it makes the restoration of all creation possible,
The gospel is about a personal relationship with Christ, but it is also about the reconciliation of all creation. The way in which we have presented the gospel is often quite man centered. You cannot read this first chapter of Colossians without realizing that the gospel is not people centered. It is Jesus centered. Everything was created through him, by him, and for him. He is the head, the beginning and the firstborn so that "he might be preeminent." The gospel is not about us it is about Jesus. The art is about the artist.
Father, too easily I slip into thinking that everything is about me. Forgive me. Today, let me live, walk, listen, talk and minister in a manner that reflects you. "It's all about you Jesus."
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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