Colossians 1:7 (ESV)

Colossians 1:7 just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf. (ESV)

In this chapter Paul, the Apostle and author, rejoices in the faith of the Colossians and prays for them even though it was through the ministry of Epaphras that they came to faith, not through Paul's direct ministry. Too often, in our arrogance, we come to believe that we are the only ones that have the truth or that it is only through our particular presentation of the gospel that anyone can truly understand and come to faith. But Paul taught the Ephesians (Eph 4) that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are not given to the church to do the work of the ministry, but to equip the church to do the work of the ministry. If church leaders are truly doing their job then they do not need to be on call 24/7 to answer every question and make every gospel presentation. Any believer should be equipped to do that.


Not only should any believer be equipped to minister the truth of God's word, but any evangelical minister should be able to equip them. Every church is different. I understand that. Some churches over-emphasize the ministry and gifts of the Spirit while others under-emphasize them. Some churches are more liturgical while others seem to have no order. Some churches are more contemporary while others don't seem to have made it out of the 19th century. But the gospel is the heart and soul of a biblical church. Rather than thinking that we are in competition with those who differ from us in any area of theology, we need to learn to rejoice that despite our faults God uses us to influence and impact lives for eternity. People don't get saved in our church because we have every theological i correctly dotted and every theological t correctly crossed. They come to know God by grace through faith. We need to learn to rejoice in that.


With Paul we should pray for one another, rejoice in what God is doing and hold our differences with humility. Father forgive me for the arrogance and fear that I have too often allowed to slip in to my own thinking. Thank you for how you are using those who are not me. In fact, thank you that everyone is not like me. Continue to build your church for your glory as you promised, and may I rejoice in that.


By His grace,

Rick Weinert
