Colossians 2 - part 4

What does it mean to be saved?

Col 2:13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, (ESV)

In three verses Colossians 2 explains three incredible truths concerning those who have put their faith in Christ. First, verse 13 tells us that we have been made alive together with Christ. Salvation in Christ is about more than just being forgiven. It is about being made new creations in Christ. As believers we died with Christ, we were buried with him, and were raised to new life. This is not just a metaphor for forgiveness. It is an empowering truth. We possess the life of Christ. We are not only forgiven, we are no longer sinners. We may sin, but we are no longer sinners by nature. We are alive to God.

Second, verse.14 tells us that we are forgiven. Jesus death canceled "the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands." It is not enough to say we are new creations in Christ. There is still our record of sin that stands as an offense to the righteous holiness of God. The death of Christ in our place satisfied God's justice and resulted in that record of past, present and future sins being wiped clean. We are forgiven if we have trusted God to save us because of Jesus.

Thirdly, verse 15 Jesus death, burial and resurrection "disarmed the rulers and authorities." Before faith in Christ we were, consciously or unconsciously, living in the realm of the Deceiver. We were under his influence and authority. Jesus death and resurrection disarmed him. The spiritual rulers and authorities of this world have no authority over us. By their very nature they will lie to us and try to convince us that this is not true, but we are free in Christ. Spiritual warfare is not so much a power struggle as it is a truth struggle. We are free. Believe it.

Salvation is so much more than, "You've been forgiven, now try to be good." When we put our faith in Christ we are forgiven. We are given new life. We are freed from the bondage of the Enemy. We are truly and completely saved.

Father, thank you for this incredible truth. Today may my life reflect who I am in Christ and may I live in gratitude for your gift of life.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
