Colossians 2 - part 5

Col 2:6-7 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (ESV)

"As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him." What does that mean? These verses provide the answer. First, it means understanding that as believers we are "rooted and built up in him." Christianity is about the person of Christ, not a system of religious practice or rules. When we put our faith in Christ we can be assured that we are rooted in him and have begun the process of being built up on him. Tree roots provide both stability and nourishment for the tree. The same is true of Christ. He is both our stability, he promised to never leave us, and our nourishment causing growth. Jesus taught us to abide in him just as the branch abides in the vine and thus receives nourishment. Christians are rooted and built up in Christ.

Second, believers need to be established in the faith. The faith is that system of truth which Christianity embraces. The early church "devoted themselves to the apostles teaching" (Acts 2:42). As believers we need to both teach and be taught the biblical system of belief. We don't need perfect theology to be saved, by when we are saved we should strive to properly understand and communicate God and his word. Walking in Christ means being established in a biblical understanding of God and the world.

Thirdly, walking in Christ means super-abounding in thanksgiving. Gratitude is an expression of humility and trust. As believers we are rooted and built up in Christ, we need to understand and communicate the truth, and we need to be thankful. That's what it means to walk in him. It is not about rules, systems or traditions. It is not about religious activities, denying personal comforts or trying to win God's favor. Walking in Christ is first and foremost about Christ. He has rooted us in himself and is building us up. We need to then be understanding and communicating the truth with hearts of gratitude for all he has done.

Father, too often I slip into the mindset that somehow following you is about me. Thank you that it is all about you. I have no faith in myself, but I rest in your faithfulness.

By His grace,
Rick Weinert
