Daniel 7

Daniel 7:25 (ESV)

[25] He shall speak words against the Most High,

and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,

and shall think to change the times and the law;

and they shall be given into his hand

for a time, times, and half a time.

[26] But the court shall sit in judgment,

and his dominion shall be taken away,

to be consumed and destroyed to the end.


In this chapter Daniel has a vision that greatly disturbs him. He is told that it is a vision about 4 kings. Verses 25-26 speak about the final king. He greatly exalts himself even against the Most High. But his kingdom will not last. We have been reading about political unrest in Ukraine. In fact there are protests, skirmishes and wars on almost every continent. Just a quick skim of the news over the last couple days shows unrest in parts of South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. People who think they are in control have lost control. People who have felt powerless have seized control and others are fighting over who is in control. But the truth of the matter us that ultimately God is in control. The rise and fall of governments sometimes takes us by surprise, but God knows what is going on. In the End there will arise a King who will think that he is even superior to God. He will "speak words against the Most High and wear out the saints of the Most High," but ultimately he too will answer to God. Verse 27 gives us hope:


Daniel 7:27 (ESV)

[27] And the kingdom and the dominion

and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven

shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High;

their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom,

and all dominions shall serve and obey them.'


Father, thank you that even when things are clearly out of our control, and seem to be out of yours,  you never cease to be God. Thank you that we can trust you in even the most chaotic of times. Father, remind us often that this is your creation and the enemy can go no further than you allow him. You are the Most High God.


By His grace,

Rick Weinert
