Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 (ESV)
[24] There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, [25] for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?
Has it ever occurred to you that work is a gift from God? Work looks different for every person. In our world some are laborers, some spend their days behind a desk and some behind the wheel of a car or truck. Some drive heavy machinery and some carry a smart phone and a tablet. Some sweat part of the year and freeze part of the year while others enjoy the climate control of air conditioning and central heat. Work looks different for every person. Whatever your work, the bigger question is: Do you see it as a gift from God or a curse to be endured? Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 2, reminds us that we should find enjoyment in our toil because it is from the hand of God.
Having been created in the image of God we were designed to work. Living in a fallen world our work is often painful and less than fun. Yet imagine a world without work, without "projects," goals and accomplishments. Imagine a world where we simply sat in comfort and never had to lift a finger to do anything. I am reminded of an old Andy Griffith episode where Emmett decides to retire and move to a small island where he can live on the beach and sleep all day. It is not long before he is bored, apathetic and driven almost crazy. He returns to Mayberry and happily takes back his old job. I wonder if that episode would have even been written today, but it contains a fundamental truth. People were created to work.
That truth has major implications. How can we help those who cannot find work? How can we help the elderly and the infirm find meaningful activity? What do I need to change if I am finding my work to be simply drudgery and pain? How can I begin to view my work as a gift from God? How can I do my work in a manner that reflects Christ, honors God and has meaning even if it is not something "significant" or long lasting?
Father, I confess that I have often neglected to view work as a gift from you. Change my heart Lord. Help me to see the value of whatever work you call me to do.
By His grace,
Rick Weinert
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