27:19-22 (ESV)
As in water face reflects face,
the heart of man reflects the man.
Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied,
never satisfied are the eyes of man.
The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold,
a man is tested by his praise.
Crush a fool in a mortar with a pestle
with crushed grain,
his folly will not depart from him.
This chapter is ultimately about character, integrity and moral fiber. Some people are never satisfied. Fools are always fools. The verse I love in this chapter is verse 21, “…a man is tested by his praise.” Your actions affect those around you. A child’s integrity or lack of integrity reflects on the child’s parents. Foolishness irritates and discourages those around the fool. Wisdom and godly character protect, bless, and refresh. Life is about character, and character is not something you can fake.
The world says, “Look out for Number One.” People of integrity watch out for those under their care. “”Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds” (Pro 27:23). For a farmer or rancher that is good advice, but for anyone responsible for a business, a ministry, or a group of people in any way, it is essential advice. Looking out for Number One will undermine and destroy those we lead and those we influence. Caring for others comes back to us and we are blessed as well.
“Riches do not last forever” (Pro 27:24). We can choose to be people who watch out for ourselves, or we can be people who care for others. The wealthiest people in the world will lose all they own at the grave. At best, riches last only a lifetime. Character goes beyond the grave in at least two ways. First, as believers in Jesus Christ, a life of character translates into eternal rewards. Second, a life of character leaves a legacy worth leaving in this world. You can enjoy riches for a time, but character, integrity, and moral fiber last forever, and bless those around us in the present. Which defines you?
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