2:1-2 (ESV)
[1] Now after Jesus
was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men
from the east came to Jerusalem, [2] saying, “Where is he who has been born
king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
People love Jesus, hate Jesus, try to emulate Jesus,
misunderstand Jesus, oppose Jesus, redefine Jesus . . . but the wise men came
to worship Jesus. This is the time of year when we celebrate his birth.
Christmas (Christ’s Mass). Most of what we do around Christmas is more about
nostalgia than about worship.
Every Christmas movie claims to reveal the “true meaning” of
Christmas. According to the movies, Christmas is about demonstrating and
expressing love. It is about unity. It is about family. It is about setting
aside our differences. It is about warm, fuzzy feelings. But the wise men came
to worship.
Someone will remind me that the wise men came up to two
years after Jesus was born. They came to a house where Jesus and his family
were, not to the stable. All of that is true, but it is still part of the
Christmas story because Christmas is not about a day in history. It is about an
event. It is about God entering into time and space in the form of a child in
order to redeem us, a people who have opposed God and rejected him at every
turn. That deserves worship.
May we take a moment this Christmas, in the midst of presents,
food, family, and feasting, to turn our hearts to that truth. There are many
for whom Christmas is not a time of joy. It is a time of sorrow, loss, and
brokenness. May I simply remind you to worship in the midst of your brokenness.
That is the true meaning of Christmas. The wise men came to worship. May we do
no less.
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