Fallible Humans & the Sovereignty of God

Acts 16 is the story of fallible humans serving an infallible and sovereign God. I find this chapter fascinating. Questions and observations swirl in my head. First, we find Paul circumcising Timothy. Why, after the recent decision about circumcision in the previous chapter? The answer seems to lie in the fact that Timothy was half Jew, and Paul's method of operating was to go to the Jews first. He didn't want an uncircumcised Jew to be a hindrance to the gospel.

Second, we find Paul wandering around with plans, but no clear understanding of where he was supposed to minister. Apparently, even when he had the Macedonian vision he wasn't sure what it meant at first. Luke writes, "After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them." (Acts 16:10) They "concluded" that they were supposed to go to Macedonia. It sounds to me like they discussed the vision and concluded that was what it meant, but do I detect a little uncertainty there?

When they are followed by a demonized slave girl in Philippi, why didn't they cast out the demon right away? Why did Paul wait until he "became so troubled..."? It sounds like he was frustrated by her pestering and finally had enough.

When they were arrested, why didn't he mention that they were Roman citizens right off? When he was released, why did he make the Magistrates come personally to release him? How did that further the gospel or demonstrate the humility of Christ?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions. What I do know, is that in the sovereignty of God two households were saved, Lydia's and the jailers, and the foundation of a church was laid. Paul would later write to this church. We call that letter the book of Philippians in our Bible.

That gives me hope. There are times when I wonder whether I'm doing anything of value for the kingdom. There are times when I question my call, my ability to effectively minister, my clarity in hearing God's leading, the decisions I make. But, I find rest in the assurance that God never stops being God and will accomplish His purpose in and through me despite my personal misgivings and lack of clear understanding. Thank you Lord! In my fallibility, I rest in Your infallibility and sovereignty.
