Acts 26 Words & Actions

"And now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our fathers that I am on trial today." (Acts 26:6)

The Jews were trying to kill Paul because he was preaching the very thing they claim to have been looking for and hoping for all their lives. It makes me wonder how much we really believe the things we say we believe. There is a Country-Western song that says, "Everybody wants to go to Heaven. Nobody wants to go now." If that's true, then do we really believe what we claim to believe about Heaven? Paul said he wanted to go but was willing to stay for the sake of the church. I fear most believers want to stay but are willing to go if they have to.

It's often the joke, when dealing with difficult churches and/or church people that not even Jesus could pastor that church. We give lip service to the great commission and the great commandment, but my guess is that we would be with the disciples saying, "Why are you talking to that Samaritan woman?" We'd be with the Pharisees asking, "Why are you eating with sinners?" We'd be with the Jews opposing Paul, who is preaching and living the very thing we say we believe.

Father, your word says that the heart is deceitful. Search my heart and know me. I confess that I often talk a better game than I live. By your grace, may my words, my attitudes, and my life reflect you and your truth. My I live what I say I believe. And Father, I know I have friends whose hearts would echo this prayer. May you grant this in their lives as well.
