Living among Unbelievers

In Acts 27, we have the record of Paul's journey toward Rome as a prisoner, and their shipwreck. A few thoughts occur to me as I read this account. As a prisoner, Paul is given considerable freedom, even being allowed to go ashore to meet friends and get supplies. There is no record of Paul preaching on-board ship, although he is not ashamed to talk about his faith. Paul's actions indicate his concern for the physical safety of everyone, not just his friends and/or fellow believers. Paul's life is such that when he speaks people listen.

It makes me wonder how my life affects those around me. How does our presence, as believers, affect those around us? Are we obnoxious about our faith? Do we live in such a way that when we speak we have people's respect and they listen? Do we try to impose our lifestyle on others, or simply live out our faith unashamedly before them?

Father, may my life be the presence of Christ wherever I am. May I live in such a way that when I speak it's worth listening to. I cannot do this, but by your Spirit and your grace.
