Matthew 11:27 NIV
"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
How do I respond to Jesus? John the Baptist is wondering if he got it right. The crowds like the miracles but fail to repent. They seem to just be hanging around for the show. In the face of all this Jesus gives an invitation. "Come ... and I will give you rest." How I respond to Jesus determines whether I find confusion, fascination, or rest.
It is through Jesus that we encounter God. If fascination with Jesus never leads to an encounter with the Father then it results in judgment. If fascination with God never includes Jesus then we aren't truly encountering the Father.
The crowds had gone out to see the John the Baptist Show in the wilderness. They had enjoyed Jesus coming to their cities with his Miracles Show, but they weren't particularly interested in knowing the Father. They were satisfied to watch the show and go home unchanged. That raises a question for me. Am I satisfied to be occasionally wowed by Jesus, or am I willing to walk in his yoke? The answer is counter-intuitive because it is not in going home unchanged that I find rest, but in taking up his yoke. That is where true rest is found.
Father, may I keep in step with Jesus today.
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