Matthew 7 Judging

Mathew 7 begins with the words, "Do not judge." 16 verses later Jesus warns them about false teachers saying, "by their fruit you shall know them." In other words, make a judgment about them. We can get hung up on this dichotomy and neglect to pay attention to the rest of the chapter. It also says that we are to "take the plank out of your own eye, ... don't throw your pearls to pigs, ask ... seek ... knock, ... enter through the narrow gate," and build our lives on a rock by hearing and putting Jesus words into practice.

Maybe if we paid more attention to ourselves and our walk with God we'd be less judgmental of others, and better prepared to recognize actual false teachers. Too many lives have been broken, relationships severed, and ministries destroyed because we spent more time and energy trying to correct others than we ever did focusing on the right things for ourselves. For two commands related to judging in Mathew 7 there are at least five commands that have nothing to do with others and everything to do with us.

Father forgive me for my inclination to judge. May I look twice at myself every time I find myself judging others.
