Luke 4 Temptation & Sin

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.
Luke 4:1-2

Is it possible to be "led by the Spirit" and "tempted" at the same time? Apparently so! Temptation and sin are not the same thing. If I don't understand that, I will find myself either giving in to sin because "I can't help myself," or carrying a huge burden of guilt, constantly confessing sin and seeking forgiveness for things I'm not actually guilty of. Either way the enemy wins because he has successfully distracted me from Christ and the grace of God.

Jesus was led by the Spirit, tempted by the Devil and remained sinless all at the same time. Thank you Lord that my life is hidden in Christ! By your grace, may I never confuse temptation with sin, and may I walk faithfully by your Spirit.
