When Christians read Luke 5, they often focus in on the "commitment" to Christ demonstrated in vs 11, "left everything and followed Him." But, I'm not convinced the passage is about commitment at all. Leaving everything to follow Jesus was predicated upon vs 8, "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!""
Peter's willingness to drop everything and follow Jesus was motivated by a clear view of his own sinfulness in the light of Jesus teaching and power. When we focus on commitment, we focus on us. When we see ourselves in the light of Jesus, our desperation drives us to commitment because we have nowhere else to turn.
Lord, let me see Jesus clearly and may I rest in your grace.
Peter's willingness to drop everything and follow Jesus was motivated by a clear view of his own sinfulness in the light of Jesus teaching and power. When we focus on commitment, we focus on us. When we see ourselves in the light of Jesus, our desperation drives us to commitment because we have nowhere else to turn.
Lord, let me see Jesus clearly and may I rest in your grace.
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