Mark 12 More Responses to Jesus

In Mark 12 it is interesting to track the responses to Jesus that are experienced by those who encounter him, particularly the Sadducees and Pharisees. In vs 12, they are seeking to seize him, but are afraid of the people. In vs 17, they are amazed at him but, they continue to try to challenge him. And finally, in vs 34, no one dares ask him any more questions. Jesus then goes on the offensive challenging them to explain the scriptures, in vs 35. Perhaps the key to the whole thing is in vs 24 when Jesus says that they are mistaken because they "do not understand the scriptures or the power of God."

Now we come to it. The Pharisees and Sadducees fancied themselves religious, serious students of the scriptures, and protectors of God's reputation yet, Jesus says they know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. That leads me to wonder how well I know either of these things myself. I did okay in Bible College and pretty well in Seminary. I've been preaching and teaching the scriptures for years, but so had the Pharisees.

God, help me read your Word with fresh eyes. Help me to open your Scriptures with a heart prepared to hear and embrace your truth. Help me glimpse your power, and never let me think I've got it all figured out. Lord, never let me fancy myself "keeper of the realm," but rather servant of the Most High God. While I know that I do not know your scriptures or your power as I ought, may it never be said of me, "you're mistaken because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God," or worse yet, may it never be said of you, "you don't care."

Lord, I lay my agenda at your feet. Teach me!
