Mark 14 Irony & Fear

What irony! The Jewish leaders want to arrest Jesus but are afraid of the crowds. An anonymous woman honors Jesus with expensive perfume, apparently unafraid of what anyone thinks. The leaders fear seems to prolong Jesus life, while the woman's lack of fear motivates Judas to betray Jesus, thereby hastening His demise. The Good News is that Jesus demise is precisely what provided us with the gift of life.

Later in the same chapter (Mk 14), Peter is convinced that nothing can scare him into denying Jesus, yet by that night he was adamantly swearing that he never knew Him.

The woman apparently loved and feared God more than anything. The Jewish religious leaders, and Jesus lead disciple, apparently feared man more than they feared God. I fear that I am more like them than I am like the woman. I have no faith in my faith; I only have faith in God who is faithful even when I am not. Just because Peter denied Jesus does not mean that Jesus denied Peter. Isn't that amazing?

Lord, by your grace may I love and fear you more than I do any person, thing or circumstance.
