Mark 3 Enemies

Jesus enemies didn't like who he was or what he was doing. They responded by planning to kill him. In the mean time, because that didn't stop him, they attempted to discredit him. They accused him of doing good by demonic power. Funny that, just a few verses earlier the demons were crying out and confessing that he was the Son of God. In fact the actual accusation his enemies made was that Jesus was casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub the prince of demons. How did Jesus respond? He kept on doing good.

Our tendency is to take up arms, to defend ourselves, to make sure we're correctly understood and not misquoted, to cry, "Unfair." Jesus understands that his enemies will think whatever they want to think and that those who believe him will believe him. We act as though God can only be God if we're in control. How silly is that?

This blog was originally written on Memorial Day, the day we honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. The ultimate sacrifice was Jesus, who gave his innocent, holy, untainted life to give us the free gift of freedom and life. May we honor those who died for our freedom, and let us use that freedom to live out the love and truth of Christ no matter what people say of us. God never stops being God.
