In Luke 7, Jesus has dinner with a Pharisee named Simon. Jesus turns to Simon and says, "I have something to say to you." Simon is one who likes to think of himself as important and righteous. Jesus statement that follows will challenge that. In fact, Jesus will suggest that the sinful woman at his feet is more important and righteous than Simon.
Earlier in the chapter, Jesus said of John the Baptist, "I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." Greatness is counted differently in God's kingdom than it is here.
At the beginning of Luke 7, Jesus heals the son of a Centurion. The thing that is significant about the Centurion is that he recognizes that he does not deserve to even be in Jesus presence. Following that, Jesus will take the time to stop and heal the dead son of a single mom. Greatness is counted differently in God's kingdom than it is here.
We ought to be like the Centurion, or the single mom, or the sinful but forgiven woman. It is amazing, not in a good way, how often we read these stories, condemn the Pharisees, and still adopt their view of greatness. God forgive me for not seeing myself and those around me through your eyes. Forgive me for adopting the Pharisees value system even while condemning them. I confess that this is the height of hypocrisy. By your grace give me new eyes to see myself and others from your Kingdom perspective.
Earlier in the chapter, Jesus said of John the Baptist, "I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." Greatness is counted differently in God's kingdom than it is here.
At the beginning of Luke 7, Jesus heals the son of a Centurion. The thing that is significant about the Centurion is that he recognizes that he does not deserve to even be in Jesus presence. Following that, Jesus will take the time to stop and heal the dead son of a single mom. Greatness is counted differently in God's kingdom than it is here.
We ought to be like the Centurion, or the single mom, or the sinful but forgiven woman. It is amazing, not in a good way, how often we read these stories, condemn the Pharisees, and still adopt their view of greatness. God forgive me for not seeing myself and those around me through your eyes. Forgive me for adopting the Pharisees value system even while condemning them. I confess that this is the height of hypocrisy. By your grace give me new eyes to see myself and others from your Kingdom perspective.
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