Resurrection, Death, and Life

We cannot separate the death of Jesus from his resurrection. If he died without raising from the dead, then we have a dead founder of a religion without life. We have a dead example without living power. We have a dead faith without hope. The death of Jesus apart from his resurrection is meaningless.

Likewise, the resurrection without the death is meaningless. Resurrection can’t happen without death. Without death there is no way to rise from the dead. The death and the resurrection cannot be separated. Neither can they be separated from the miraculous virgin birth. Without the death of a sinless life there is no significance to the death, or the resurrection. Jesus showed us what life looks like. Jesus died that we might live. Jesus rose to impart his life and empower us to live a life eternal. But living eternal life in the present, faithless, and twisted world is not convenient.

The resurrection is not just a myth told to motivate us to try again, or to start fresh. It is not about Spring cleaning, or turning over a new leaf. The resurrection is about new life that flourishes even as this body dies. The resurrection is about a radically different way to live.
