
In the first chapter of Haggai the Jews had three excuses for not rebuilding God’s temple. In verse 2 they argued that it was not the right time. In verse 4 they argued that it was not convenient. In verses 6-8 they argued that the did not have the resources. Those excuses sound familiar. We use the very same excuses for not fulfilling the Great Commission. “It’s not the right time. It’s not convenient. I don’t have the right resources, information, gifting, or ability.” Yet Jesus said, “You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth” (Act 1:8). He did not say, “You ought to be my witnesses,” or “You should be my witnesses,” or “I hope you will be my witnesses.” He said, “You shall be my witnesses.” This Independence Day will we embrace the commission to take the news of real freedom to a broken world, or will we continue to make excuses, while maintaining our own personal peace and affluence and ignore a broken world? Let’s be honest, we make lots of excuses, but we have no excuse. Let you light so shine!
